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  • June 21,2021
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We all have witnessed the rise of technology and its power. Then, due to the pandemic, technology became the centre of the education industry. Online classes took over the classroom-confined education and e-learning in pandemic became the household name. Technology has its significance. It helps kids develop skills that will be needed in the future to make decisions for their successful career. It helps to learn new talents to stand apart from the crowd in this competitive environment. Online classes open doors to so many opportunities for the students to learn and develop new abilities. Also, e-learning in pandemic is like a boon in disguise where students study without any difficulties. 


Why is education so talked about? How does it impact the education system? Why is the impact of technology growing in teaching?

To answer these questions, we need to look at the benefits that come along with technology. That is the main reason why technology is so popular in the education sector. Here is the list of advantages of using technology for online classes and e-learning in pandemic.


  • Accessibility-  There are a plethora of resources available online. All the resources are available at all times. No matter what time it is and when a student needs it, all he needs to do is search for it and it will be there. Furthermore, the resources are available in multiple languages and also of different levels. If a student needs a research paper for a particular topic, then they will find it too and if a student just needs to know the basics about a particular topic, then they can search it accordingly. Thus, technology gives a student power to have accessibility to hundreds of resources at their fingertips.

  •  Enhances engagement-  With the help of technology, learning is made fun and when a child enjoys what he is learning, then there is a high chance that the child will engage more. Also, with the help of technology, visuals and animations can be used to impart knowledge. It is proven that kids understand more with the help of visuals and the more the kid will understand, the more he will engage.

  • Promotes innovative techniques-  Nowadays, classroom-confined teaching on a black and white chalkboard is considered old-school and traditional. Even when the online classes are not going on and the students have to go to school, the teachers take the help of technology to teach. Smart classrooms are the future of schools. Many schools have already been using technology every day and because of this, they had the leverage when it came down to e-learning in a pandemic. Even the students of such schools found it easy to adapt to the technology for their online classes.

  • Focuses on all-round development-  Learning is not confined within the wall of classrooms. Technology can connect students from different regions and let them exchange knowledge easily. Also, teachers from all around the world can teach any student in any corner of the world. Every student can get the benefit of learning from the top educators around the world and sharpen their skills further. Furthermore, with the help of online classes, a lot of students can opt for multiple courses and learn new subjects.

  • Comfort-  All the above-mentioned points are possible to experience by sitting at the comfort of the home. A student can sit and study in their favourite spot in their homes and still get maximum knowledge. 

  • Self-paced learning-  There is no need to hurry or cope up with a fellow classmate. Every student can learn with their speed, they can visit the same lectures again and again as everything is available and recorded. So, the speed of gaining knowledge can also be maintained as per the capacity of the student. 


We can definitely think of technology as a weapon to leverage our knowledge. While technology does have a lot of cons too, the list of pros is enough to make it a boon in the current situation of the COVID-10 pandemic. Education has shaped its structure and even parents are comprehending to choose a school that provides holistic education with the right use of technology. Even the toughest subjects are made easy to understand and learn with the use of technology. Parents should also make sure that their kids are making the right use of technology and also that their kids are enrolled in such schools that believe in offering holistic education. All thanks should be given to the growth in technology to make a student's life easier and learning better.