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Learn to learn

  • March 12,2022
  • 'Learning to learn' refers to the ability to explore and engage in learning, as well as the ability to organise one's own learning, including time and information management as individuals or in groups. Students who learn to learn come up with bet

'Learning to learn' refers to the ability to explore and engage in learning, as well as the ability to organise one's own learning, including time and information management as individuals or in groups. Students who learn to learn come up with better skills and life experiences to use and apply their knowledge in many ways, including at home, at work, and in education.

The main goal of learning should be to master a concept so that it can be applied in a wide range of situations. Students who properly manage the learning process and understand how they study best can opt from the large range of options available in school and even beyond. This is especially crucial when teachers aren't the primary source of information and wisdom. Students' motivation and achievement in school can be considerably increased by encouraging them to be much more self-directed thinkers. Also the support of teachers and parents can help in further developing these skills in their children.

Today's youth are convinced that grades are more important than actually learning. Due to this defect in our educational system, some students go to any extent to succeed in the classroom syllabus. Expectations imposed by our parents and schools can seem to be insanely high. Because of this, students spend most of their time chasing a college or job acceptance letter instead of chasing their ambitions.

Procrastinating usually interrupts progress. Getting started, on the other hand, is only half the battle. Here are a few methods that can assist you in learning to learn.

To master a concept, you must not only learn it but also understand how it relates to a larger picture. To begin with, take a general concept and review the syllabus. Next, have a look at an example. Then go ahead and do it yourself. Take a little time to summarise or recall the information you're attempting to learn. Spending too much time in one sitting going over the same subject over and again is not a good idea. Divide it out in several sessions and different forms of learning. Knowing when to use an idea is just as crucial as knowing how to use it. Also, tend to make an effort to pass on what you've learned to others.

There's no use in having good grades if you do not really learn anything useful. High grades are only important if you plan to continue your education at a graduate or professional level. You're going to need these to get into a good institution. Otherwise, nobody here cares about the courses you did or what marks you obtained after graduation. Employers want to know what you're capable of, especially learning on the job.

We shouldn't simply learn or memorise the lessons to score good grades. Learning in the ideal way can help you progress in life. When learning, there are times when you would be focused and times when you let your thoughts wander. In terms of allowing your brain to learn, this diffused phase is also important. So take a short break, meditate, relax, and give yourself ample time in both modes. Attend college not only to get a degree but also to learn more and pursue your dream career. Make studies a priority, but set aside time for your passions as well. Keep in mind that your grades do not determine who you are.